More than ever, people are making conscious decisions to purchase products and services. Gen Z consumers are increasingly playing a role in these choices. By understanding what motivates this cohort, you can aid them in making those decisions — including your own.

  1. They were born in this digital era so act natural.

They are native digital natives. Gen Z been exposed to technology since birth. They are accustomed to using multiple devices and platforms at once, and they often multitask through media consumption. So when marketing to them, it’s important to make your content easy to consume, accessible and relevant.

They are more connected than ever before. Gen Zers use technology to stay connected with friends, family and the world around them. They communicate via text, email, social media and video chat.

  1. Gen Z cares about brands that care about them.

They are more likely to research brands and companies before making a purchase. They also expect brands to be transparent and authentic in their marketing efforts.

  1. The digital world is their community, so create a tribe for your brand.

Gen Zers engage mostly with brands who develop a community for their customers/ideal consumers, so it’ll be ideal to offer a safe space where you nurture a community for your brand.

4. They love personalized experiences.

Gen Zers are more likely to purchase from brands that offer a personalized experience. They expect brands to be accessible via technology and provide them with instant access to information about products, services and events. The digital world is their community, so create a tribe for your brand. Gen Zers engage mostly with brands who develops a community for their customers/ideal consumers.

5. They will give you user-generated content.

Sometimes it’s hard getting user-generated content, like reviews via photos and videos, from consumers. However, Gen Z loves to participate with brand initiatives, so getting user-generated content is as easy as asking – and throwing in a little incentive.

6. They want relatable and timely content.

Gen Z creates trends, and everyone else online follows. So, it’s important to acknowledge their contributions by presenting marketing materials that are timely and relatable.

7. They can tell when you’re faking it.

Gen Z is a savvy bunch, and they can tell when you’re not that into a topic. If they see that your brand is putting in the effort, they’ll appreciate it – but if not, they’ll move on to something else that catches their interest more quickly.


More than ever, people are making conscious decisions to purchase products and services. Gen Z and the millennial consumer are increasingly playing a role in these choices. By understanding what motivates this cohort, you can aid them in making those decisions — including your own.

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