
If you manage an eCommerce website, the holiday season is a great time to focus on your marketing efforts. If you’re smart about it, by this time next year you could have seen more sales than ever before! Here are some ideas for how to maximize your digital presence during the holidays:

Goal Setting

When it comes to setting goals for holiday marketing, it’s important to remember that you have plenty of time to reach your end goal. This doesn’t mean you should take a few months off and relax, but rather that you don’t need to treat every little step as a big deal. You can work toward an ambitious goal in small increments by using this guide as a foundation.

You also want to set yourself up for success by keeping track of what works and what doesn’t. Keep track of everything so that when the holiday season comes around again next year, your team will be able to replicate their successes or learn from mistakes made this year.

Effective Holiday Campaign Planning

Before you even start to think about your holiday marketing plan, there are a few things you should do first:

  • When deciding what products are going to be on sale, make sure they’re relevant. For example, if you’re selling winter clothing items and it’s currently springtime, that probably isn’t the best time to put them on sale.
  • If your store has an email list already established and active (which is definitely something we recommend), send out emails about the upcoming sales early enough in advance so that customers have time to save up their gift cards or cash for shopping when they come around!

Next comes creating an actual plan for how best to use these assets. To do this effectively, keep in mind these three key elements:

Make Sure Your Website Can Handle The Traffic Increase

When you’re marketing your eCommerce website during the holidays, it’s important to make sure that your website can handle the traffic increase. This will save you from a lot of headaches later on.

Here are some tips for boosting performance:

  • Use a responsive design. A responsive design automatically adjusts content to different screen sizes, so visitors can enjoy a seamless experience no matter what device they’re using. If you haven’t already done so, consider implementing one into your site now!
  • Use CDNs and caching plugins to deliver assets quickly and efficiently.

Segment Your List Based On Past Purchases

Although it’s important to send holiday emails to your entire list, you can increase engagement and conversions by segmenting your email list. This means that instead of sending the same message to everyone on your contact database, you will be sending different messages based on past purchases or other demographic information.

You may think that this sounds like a lot of work, but once you get the hang of it—and have some help from marketing automation software—you’ll find it much easier than trying to customize each email manually. By segmenting your list into several groups based on purchase history or demographics, you will be able to send highly relevant content that is more likely to resonate with each group.

Share Gift Ideas On Social Media and Your Blog

When it comes to holiday marketing, there’s no better way to market your eCommerce site than by sharing gift ideas on social media.

This will help your customers find awesome gifts for the people they love.

And if you’re a blogger, adding gift ideas to your blog will also help increase traffic and make sure people don’t forget about your company when they’re looking for gifts.

Create A Gift Guide

A gift guide is a great way to promote your products. You can use social media to spread the word about it, including links on your website and in emails. A gift guide is also a good way for customers to find new things that they may want to buy themselves or give as gifts. It’s important that you create an easy-to-follow guide so that people can find exactly what they want in a short amount of time.

Optimize Your Product Page for Conversions

A product page should be optimized for conversions. This means that the product page should be a space where your customers can easily find the product they want to buy and complete their purchase as quickly as possible.

You need a compelling call to action that encourages users to make a purchase. A good call to action is clear, concise, and attractive.

You also want great images of the products so that people see exactly what they’re buying before they buy it (and get excited about it). Make sure these images are high quality by avoiding blurry or pixelated photos.

Optimize your website for the holiday season.

  • Use holiday-themed images on your website.

Include images of people wearing Santa hats and reindeer antlers, or use Christmas trees and snowflakes in a variety of colors to create the festive mood.

  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

This should go without saying, but you don’t want angry customers calling you because they can’t access their order information on their phones! Make sure that all of your pages are optimized for mobile devices so users can easily access them no matter how big their screens are.

  • Use a holiday-themed landing page for marketing purposes throughout the season instead of sending traffic straight to product pages or other non-holiday pages like “About Us” info pages that don’t make sense during this time period (unless you’re selling only Christmas gifts). You can also use these kinds of pages as landing areas for ads if you’re running any ads during this time frame—it’ll help visitors find what they’re looking for faster than if they had to scroll through several different sections before finding what they need.


As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make your holiday eCommerce website marketing campaign successful. You should plan ahead and create a strategy for the season that will help you reach your goals. This guide covers some of the most important aspects such as segmentation and optimization.

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